How Is Baking With Oat Flour Different Than Wheat Flour?

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How Is Baking With Oat Flour Different Than Wheat Flour?

Choosing Organic Oat Flour instead of Wheat flour is a smart way to make healthier baked goods, but there are some important differences you should be aware of. Organic oat flour is naturally gluten-free and generally can be used in the same manner as wheat flour. It is also loaded with soluble fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and requires less processing to be milled than wheat flour. While an ideal gluten-free ingredient, there are some things you want to keep in mind when baking with organic oat flour. The Two Most Important Differences to Be Aware of When Substituting Organic Oat Flour for Wheat Flour. Oat flour is softer and lighter than wheat flour, so recipes may need larger amounts of oat flour than wheat flour. While less dense than wheat flour, oat flour absorbs more liquid and gives a chewier or heavier feel. This can make getting the right ratio of solids to liquids tricky. Oat flour does not rise as much as wheat flour because it is gluten-free, but there are ways you can get around this by increasing the yeast or using another additive. Oat flour’s lack of glutenalso means you will need to add a binder to prevent the result from being crumbly. The flavor profile of organic oat flour is mildly nutty and subtly toasty, which enhances butter, vanilla and cinnamon flavors. Oat flour works particularly well in muffins. Oat flour has a slight caramel sweetness compared to wheat flour. Recipes adapted for oat flour may need less sweetener or added savory seasoning. Do You Need a High-Quality Organic Oat Flour for Your Gluten-Free Recipes? If you are looking for sustainably made, organic oat flour for your gluten-free baking, contact Sweet Additionstoday. We supply environmentally friendly, natural and organic, plant-based food ingredients and sweeteners for the food and beverage industry.