Nutrients Found in Oat Milk

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Nutrients Found in Oat Milk

Oat milkhas become an increasingly popular choice for plant-based milk alternatives, and for a good reason!It’s ideal for people with allergies and intolerances to lactose, nuts, and soy,but it’s also an excellent source of some necessary nutrients. Adding an oat beverage base selection to your stores can certainly benefit those looking for good milk alternatives. Excellent Nutrients in Oat Milk and What They Do for Your Body Oat milk is an outstanding choice if you’re looking for something with a rich source of nutrients. Below are some of the main vitamins and minerals found in oat beverage bases and how they can benefit your health: Calcium Calcium is the primary mineral used to form strong, healthy bones. If you lack the proper amount of calcium, your bones can become brittle and more likely to break. Oat milk is often fortified with calcium, making it excellent for bone health. Vitamin B Oat milk is also commonly fortified with B vitamins, which are essential for optimal health. Most manufacturers fortify oat milk with vitamin B12 (cobalamin), which plays a crucial role in forming red blood cells, nerve function, and DNA production. B vitamins can also provide several other benefits, including: Stress relief Healthy hair, skin, and nails Combats oxidative damage Boosts cognitive performance Vitamin D Your body needs vitamin D to build and maintain healthy bones. It also promotes calcium absorption in the gut, reduces inflammation, and regulates immune function. Oat milk can also be fortified with vitamin D. Beta-Glucan Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber that provides numerous health benefits. It’s known to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol by reducing its absorption within your gut. You can get up to 1.2 grams of beta-glucanin one cup of oat milk. Get the Nutrients You Need with an Oat Beverage Base The many nutrients found in oat milk can provide significant health benefits for those who consume it. If you’re interested in including an oat beverage base in your commercial store, contact Sweet Additionsfor a quote today!