Surprising Facts About Brown Rice Protein
Surprising Facts About Brown Rice Protein
Are you planning to include brown rice protein into your fitness regimen? Aside from the fact that this type of proteinis hypoallergenic, it also offers multiple health benefits. Before you look for an organic rice protein supplier, check out these surprising facts about this excellent supplement: Facts About Brown Rice Protein That May Surprise You It’s Non-Allergenic As mentioned earlier, brown rice protein doesn’t have the tendency to cause allergies– unlike milk, egg, and soy-based protein. In other words, any person can enjoy its benefits without having to worry about experience allergic reactions that include bloating, gas, rashes, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Another thing you need to know about brown rice protein is the fact that it has no gluten content in it. Doesn’t Contain Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) In case you’re not aware, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is commonly used as a flavor enhancer, as well as a preservative. Those who want to improve the freshness of their tasteless food while making it taste and smell better turn to this food additive. Moreover, MSG is classified as an excitotoxin. This means that some people who could be sensitive to it will experience certain adverse effects after consuming it in larger amounts. However, it’s also important to note that as of the moment, studies that are performed on MSG’s negative impactsare still inconclusive. When brown rice protein is being manufactured, its MSG-free protein content remains intact instead of being broken down into glutamic and amino acids. Helps Control Your Cholesterol Levels Since rice protein has peptides that are responsible for helping your liver as it synthesizes the cholesterol in your blood. An Organic Rice Protein Supplier You Can Trust To experience the best results that rice protein can offer you, make sure that you get it from a supplier you can trust. Sweet Additions can provide you with high-quality organic rice protein that is made from honest ingredients. Call us nowto learn more about our products.