What Is Hydrolyzed Oat Flour?
What Is Hydrolyzed Oat Flour?
Did you know that hydrolyzed oat flour is healthier and more nutritious than your regular flour? If you want to add more nutritional value to your favorite cakes and pastries, you should seriously consider making the switch. Learning more about this ingredientcan help you make an educated decision. A Closer Look at Hydrolyzed Oat Flour What Is It? Hydrolyzed oat flour is a white-colored, odorless, moderately sweet ingredient derived from Avena sativa kernels. Furthermore, it contains two different proteins called globulins and avenin, which you can’t find in other kinds of grains. Since globulin and avenin are as good as animal protein, consumers who prefer to get their proteins from plant-based sources use hydrolyzed oats. Thanks to this ingredient’s heat stability, it’s ideal for baking your favorite cookies, brownies, muffins, cakes, and other pastries. Additionally, incorporating hydrolyzed oat flour into your recipes allows you to get more oat soluble fiber and beta-glucansthat help bring down your blood cholesterol levels. While one gram of regular flour gives you nine calories, hydrolyzed oat flour gives you only one calorie per gram. How Is It Produced? Hydrolysisalso refers to an organic chemical reaction used for various chemical and biological applications. Essentially, hydrolysis refers to a method that uses water to break down larger molecules into smaller parts. When oat flour goes through the process of hydrolysis, water breaks down the oats into smaller sugar molecules. What Are Its Uses? Although hydrolyzed oat flour is typically used as a baking ingredient, it’s also added to skincare and hair products. This hypoallergenic substance can soothe skin irritation, relieve itching, and smoothen dry, sensitive skin. When added to shampoos, conditioners, and styling gels, hydrolyzed oat flour creates a coating on the external layers of hair strands to reduce breakage and protect them from damage. Looking for Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Oat Flour? At Sweet Additions, we’re committed to providing high-quality organic and natural ingredients at a reasonable price. Contact us today for inquiries.